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Chaney, C., Marks, L. D., Sasser, D. D., & Hopkins, K. (2008). “Train up a child in the way…”: A qualitative study of how the Black church influences parents. International Journal of Religion and Society, 1, (2-3). [Published simultaneously In J. K. Quinn & I. G. Zambini (Eds.), Family Relations: 21st century issues and challenges (pp. 151-167). Hauppage, NY: Nova Science.]

Chaney, C., Marks, L.D., Sasser, D.D., & Hopkins, K. (2010). “Train up a child in the way…”: A qualitative study of how the Black church influences parents. International Journal of Religion and Society,1, (2-3).

Marks, L. D., & Chaney, C. (2006). Faith communities and African American families: A qualitative look at why the black church matters. In S. D. Ambrose (Ed.), Religion and psychology: New research (pp. 277-294). New York: Nova Science.

Marks, L. D., Hopkins, K., Chaney, C., Nesteruk, O., & Sasser, D. (2010). “My kids and wife have been my life”: Married African American fathers staying the course. In R. Coles & C. Green (Eds.), The myth of the missing black father (pp. 19-46). New York: Columbia University.

Marks, L. D., Hopkins, K., Chaney, C., Nesteruk, O., Monroe, P., & Sasser, D. (2008). “Together, we are strong”: A qualitative study of happy, enduring African-American marriages. Family Relations, 57, 171-184.

Marks, L. D., Hopkins, K., Nesteruk, O., Chaney, C., & Baumgartner, J. (2012). A qualitative exploration of why faith matters in African-American marriages and families. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 43, 695-714.

Marks, L. D., Moore, T. J., Skipper, A., & Rose, A. (2020). Religion and black families. In A. James (ed.), Black families: A systems approach (pp. 34-43). San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic.

Marks, L. D., Nesteruk, O., Swanson, M., Garrison, M. E. B., & Davis, T. (2005). Religion and health among African Americans: A qualitative examination. Research on Aging, 27, 447-474.

Marks, L. D., Swanson, M., Nesteruk, O., & Hopkins-Williams, K. (2006). Stressors in African American marriages and families: A qualitative study. Stress, Trauma, and Crisis: An International Journal, 9, 203-225.

Millett, M. A., Cook, L. E., Skipper, A. D., Chaney, C. D., Marks, L. D., & Dollahite, D. C. (2018). Weathering the Storm: The Shelter of Faith for Black American Christian Families. Marriage and Family Review.

Skipper, A. D., Moore, T. J., & Marks, L. D. (2018/2019). “The prayers of others helped”: Intercessory prayer as a source of coping and resilience in Christian African American families. Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 4, 373–394.

Skipper, A., Marks, L., & Chaney, C. (2017). “Iron sharpens iron”: Views of the church congregation from the unheard voices of religious African-American men. Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men, 6, 77-98.