Coping with Challenges: Finances and Stress Skip to main content

Dollahite, D. C., Marks, L. D., & Young, K. P. (2017). Relational struggles and experiential immediacy in religious American families. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.

Kelley, H. H., Lee, Y., LeBaron-Black, A. B., Dollahite, D. C., James, S., Marks, L. D., & *Hall, T. (2022). Change in financial stress and relational wellbeing during COVID-19: Exacerbating and alleviating influences. Journal of Family and Economic Issues.

LeBaron, A. B., Marks, L. D., Rosa, C. M., & Hill, E. J. (2020). Can we talk about money? Financial socialization through parent-child financial discussion. Emerging Adulthood, 8, 453-463

Marks, L. D., Dollahite, D. C., & Baumgartner, J. (2010). “In God we trust”: Perspectives on finances, family relationships, and faith. Family Relations, 59, 439-452.

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Marks, L. D., Dollahite, D. C., & Young, K. P. (2019). Struggles experienced by religious minority families in the United States: Strangers in their own land. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 11, 247-256.

Marks, L. D., Swanson, M., Nesteruk, O., & Hopkins-Williams, K. (2006). Stressors in African American marriages and families: A qualitative study. Stress, Trauma, and Crisis: An International Journal, 9, 203-225.