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Hatch, T. G., & Marks, L. D. (2023). Sanctuary in time: Shabbat as the soul of modern Jewry and the essence of “doing” Judaism.” In O. Leaman (ed.), Handbook of Jewish Ritual and Practice (361-370). Routledge.

Dollahite, D. C., Hatch, T. G., & Marks, L. D. (2022). The American Jewish family. In Oliver Leaman (Ed.) Handbook of Jewish ritual and practice (pp. 273-296). Routledge.

Dollahite, D., Marks, L. D., & Barrow, B. H. (2019). Exploring relational reconciliation processes in Christian, Jewish, and Muslim families. Family Relations, 68, 517-533.

Hatch, T. G., & Marks, L. D. (2019). Judaism. In J. J. Ponzetti, Jr., M. Blankemeyer, S. Horan, H. Lyons, & A. Shigeto (Eds.), Macmillan encyclopedia of intimate and family relationships: An interdisciplinary approach (pp. 497-499)Macmillan.

Kelley, H. H., LeBaron, A. B., Sussman, L. J., Fagan, J., Dollahite, D. C., & Marks, L. D. (2018). Shalom bayit—peace of the home: Ritual and tradition in American Jewish families. Marriage & Family Review, 54, 706-718.

Marks, L. D. & Dollahite, D. C. (2021). Approaching God: Jewish and Latter-day Saint prayer and worship. In Trevan G. Hatch & Leonard Greenspoon (Eds.), “The learning of the Jews”: What Latter-day Saints can learn from Jewish religious experience (pp. 115-141). Salt Lake City, UT: Greg Kofford Books.

Marks, L. D., Hatch, T. G., & Dollahite, D. C. (2018). Sacred practices and family processes in a Jewish context: Shabbat as the weekly family ritual par excellence. Family Process, 57, 448-461

Hatch, T. G., Marks, L. D., Bitah, E. A., Lawrence, M., Lambert, N. M., Dollahite, D.C., & Hardy, B. P. (2016). The power of prayer in transforming individuals and marital relationships: A qualitative examination of Christian, Jewish, and Muslim families. Review of Religious Research, 58, 27-46.

Hatch, T., & Marks, L. (2014). Judaism and Orthodox Judaism. In L. Ganong, M. Coleman, & J. G. Golson (Eds.), The social history of the American family (pp. 781-784). Sage.

Hatch, T., & Marks, L. (2014). Bar mitzvahs and bat mitzvahs. In L. Ganong, M. Coleman, & J. G. Golson (Eds.), The social history of the American family (pp. 104-105). Sage.

Dollahite, D. C., & Lambert, N. M. (2007). Forsaking all others: How religious involvement promotes marital fidelity in Christian, Jewish, and Muslim couples. Review of Religious Research, 48, 290-307.

Marks, L. D. (2005). How does religion influence marriage?: Christian, Jewish, Mormon, and Muslim perspectives. Marriage & Family Review, 38, 85-111.

Marks, L. D. (2004). Sacred practices in highly religious families: Christian, Jewish, Mormon, and Muslim perspectives. Family Process, 43, 217-231.