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Phillips, T. M., Smith, J. R., Long, A. C., Wheeler, B. E., Marks, L. D., Goodman, M., Hatch, T., & Wall, S. K. (2023). Family Home Evening as a model for promoting family health. nternational Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Science, 6 (11), 98-103.

Hendricks, J. J., Cazier, J., Nelson, J. M., Marks, L. D., & Hardy, S. A. (2022). Qualitatively exploring repentance processes, antecedents, motivations, resources, and outcomes in Latter-day Saints. Archive for the Psychology of Religion. Advance online publication.

Dollahite, D. C., & Marks, L. D. (2006). Family and community nurturing spirituality in Latter-day Saint children and youth. In K. Yust, A. N. Johnson, S. E. Sasso, & E. C. Roehlkepartain (Eds.), Nurturing childhood and adolescent spirituality: Perspectives from the world’s religious traditions (pp. 394-408). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

Dollahite, D. C., & Marks, L. D. (2012). Mormon American families. In R. Wright, C. H. Mindel, R. W. Habenstein, & T. Van Tran (Eds.) Ethnic families in America: Patterns and Variations, 5th Ed. (pp. 461-486). Upper Saddle Hall, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Dollahite, D. C., Marks, L. D., & Kelley, H. H. (2017). Mormon scholars and Mormon families in family studies: A brief retrospective. Mormon Studies Review, 4, 16-40.

Goodman, M. A., Marks, L. D., & Dollahite, D. C. (2012). Transformational processes and meaning in Latter-day Saint marriage. Marriage & Family Review, 48, 555- 582.

Leonhardt, N. D., Kirchner, E. R., Phillips, T. M., Skipper, A. D., Dollahite, D. C., & Marks, L. D. (2018). Together forever: Eternal perspective and sacred practices in American Latter-day Saint families. Marriage & Family Review, 54, 719-732.

Marks, L. D. (2004). Sacred practices in highly religious families: Christian, Jewish, Mormon, and Muslim perspectives. Family Process, 43, 217-231.

Marks, L. D. (2005). How does religion influence marriage?: Christian, Jewish, Mormon, and Muslim perspectives. Marriage & Family Review, 38, 85-111.

Marks, L. D., & Beal, B. (2008). Preserving peculiarity as a people: Mormon distinctness in values and internal structure. In C. K. Jacobson, J. P. Hoffmann, and T. B. Heaton (Eds.), Revisiting “The Mormons”: Persistent themes and contemporary perspectives (pp. 258-285). Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah.

Marks, L. D. & Dollahite, D. C. (2021). Approaching God: Jewish and Latter-day Saint prayer and worship. In Trevan G. Hatch & Leonard Greenspoon (Eds.), “The learning of the Jews”: What Latter-day Saints can learn from Jewish religious experience (pp. 115-141). Salt Lake City, UT: Greg Kofford Books.

Marks, L. D., Dollahite, D. C., Hatch, T. G., Goodman, M. A., Phillips, T. M., & Kelley, H. H. (2020). The real Book of Mormon musical: Latter-day Saint Family Home Evening as a weekly ritual. Marriage & Family Review.